Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Je veux juste être heureux

Yo sólo quiero ser feliz

Ich will einfach nur glücklich sein

मैं तो बस खुश रहना चाहता हूँ


أريد فقط أن تكون سعيدا

Voglio solo essere felice

...for once.


Dear self, It will come with time, I promise.


  1. J'ai la confiance que tu trouverai la bonheur quand tu l'expecte le moins.

  2. I think it is unreasonable and unrealistic to expect a continuous state of bliss. We will have to wait for heaven to experience that lol. I think what we want in life is general contentment with bouts of happiness to spice it up. Like Thoreau says, trying to force happiness on ourselves does not work; getting out and participating in life allows contentment and happiness. Also happiness and relativity are closely connected.
    -I was watching a tv news show (20-20 I think) where they investigated whether money buys happiness. Their conclusion; money buys happiness up to the point where a family can live comfortably and enjoy some of the amenities of life. It does not buy happiness beyond that. Having good friends and love is something that money can't buy. Anyway JP it is just the early winter blahs, see if you can get into some gym/swimming activities to get the endorphins moving again. bfn - Wayne :)
