Sometimes I wonder why people seem to have such a dislike of the night. I'm not just talking about the early birds, a strange group that I'll never understand anyways, but even the everyday man or woman who bemoans the time when the clock strikes 12. I'm a night owl through and through. Night time is when I'm at my best; I'm most alert, think the clearest, notice finer details and am so much more relaxed.
Looking back at my old posts, more than just a few have been written past midnight and that has to mean something. Take right now: I'm sitting in a breakout room in the business school building enjoying the silence and stillness of it all. I got my accounting homework done, am planning out my podcast for my English class and if I didn't have to get up at 8:30 I'd probably stay up until just before dawn. I can only imagine what walking around the neighborhoods surrounding campus at this hour would feel like; it's safe for sure but nevertheless probably not the sketch factor of a random kid walking around in an upper class neighborhood late at night might raise the wrong kind of attention.
The only sucky thing about being semi nocturnal is that I start craving hot, salty foods and the only places that deliver are pizza joints and none of them are particularly good, plus the minimum order is too high. I'm a college student dammit, I can't afford a delivery charge, a service charge and give a tip for a gyro and fries.
The rest of my day was rather banal but I'll take that over unnecessary drama any day.
I flyered another dorm building after dinner and tomorrow I'll be hitting up one more before calling the active portion of my campaign to a close. There are 7 people running and apart from a Facebook group for one of the other candidates, I haven't seen much in ways of campaigning from the others. To be honest, everything I'm doing is probably overkill. The main reason I'm making such a concerted effort is to build name recognition so when it comes time to vote and the few people who actually do vote cast their ballots, they will recognize my name and hopefully choose me as one of their top 3. I know I'm running against three incumbents and people who are more popular and know more people than I do but hopefully putting in the extra effort will pay off. If not, it was an experience and is something I can look back on in the future.
If I can get through two essays and the podcast this weekend I'll finally be free to relax for once.
Anyways, Pandora has been very nice ot me lately so here's another song - I haven't heard this song since freshman year of high, I was little then.
Fall Out Boy - I'm I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You)
All the best,
Happy Thanksgiving!
2 months ago