Thursday, February 10, 2011

Stop for a Minute and Smile

It's late, I have a case presentation in business statistics in little over seven hours, I need to study for an accounting test, and I technically need to read 300+ pages of a book (not happening, sacrificial lamb of the week).

But you know what? I'm feeling surprisingly calm. I feel...content. I don't understand it, but this is one mystery I'll happily leave unsolved.

Maybe it's because my hell week is almost over; I can feel the weight already start to lift off my shoulders. After my test finishes at 9 tomorrow night I'm going to the gym, coming back, showering, and then watching a movie in my pajamas before going to bed before midnight.

Life's good. I just have to hold on to this feeling nice and tight.

Wow, maybe I can do this.

Jessie J ft. B.O.B.- Price Tag

All the best,



  1. Nice to read a "life is good" post from you. Because life is sometimes, and even often, in fact good.

  2. I guess it is that nice feeling you have when you face your responsibilities and reap the rewards. I always liked showering at the gym cos you never know what eye candy may be showering with you lol. Of course self-control may be a problem!
    -Btw I comment on several blogs and I noticed today that three of them 'have been removed' suddenly; WTF? Are the prudes and censors and gay haters still with us in this Internet day-and-age? Hope I can find them again if they start new blogs. bfn - Wayne

  3. I'm glad things are going well with you JP. :)

