Where in the world did Aaron Carter go? Random question, I know. I never really listened to his music or anything but it just popped into my head a few days ago. Back in the late 90s and early 2000s he was everywhere but he sort of just disappeared.
I know what you're thinking, "JP, why is this important in any way?", well, it's just a curiosu example of how truly ephemeral and fleeting fame can be in our here-and-now culture and views on life. I wouldn't call him a musical icon on the same level of someone like Britney Spears who came from the same era but he's a perfect example of how some people just fade away into the annals of history. He was young, cute and the catchy songs that made tween girls squeal over him, but he fell victim to a disease we all are all infected with, aging. By the mid 2000s he was off the radar. So I wonder, with Aaron Carter disappearing once his cuteness wore off, what's the fate of the modern day equivalent, Justin Bieber? I mean, they are almost the same person, both introduced into the spotlight young, but JB is where Aaron was a few years ago, I can only wonder where JB will be in 3 or 5 years. I honestly doubt his musical career will last much longer but we'll see I guess.
This was kind of a silly post but I have plenty of interesting things that have been happening in the past few days. Let's just say I might have found/entered a friends with benefits relationship. Maybe. Hopefully. hahahaha
Well, on a last note, I made a discovery, AC still makes music! Here's his latest single; it's pretty catchy and I think Justice Crew, the winners of Australia's Got Talent did a cover so that's pretty cool. We'll see how this performs on the charts, if it even charts. Can I ask one question though, why the hell is Flo Rida showing up everywhere? Stop settling for second rate gigs.
Aaron Carter ft Flo Rida - Dance With Me
All the best,
Happy Thanksgiving!
2 months ago
I guess today you need a rap star to do a bit on your tune for some 'street cred'. I actually miss the old 'boy bands' like Backstreet Boys who could sing and harmonize together so nicely, even though they were choreographed productions. People who can write and play and sing their own music together that stands the test of time are the ones who endure even though beauty fades, it's called talent (eg Beatles). People like Britney Spears are just over-produced caricatures; the real talent belongs to the musicians who write and produce her music. Aaron Carter is just another teen idol who is a has-been at 20 and his day in the sun is over. The smart ones go to university for self-improvement and the egotistical ones abuse drugs and die. And it is an ego trip; everyone worshiping and fawning over you, it must really warp those young developing minds. I suspect we all get a little schadenfreude over the downhill slide of the beautiful people. I hope Arron banked his money. I wouldn't mind being rich but I wouldn't want fame; it is nice to have the joy of anonymity and privacy. - Wayne :)(I suspect that the Biebz does have a modicum of musical talent though)