Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Four things happened today.

1. I got a surprise text yesterday telling me that I had to go in to school today to work on getting advertising clients as part of my business manager position in journalism. I did not notice said text until 9:30 this morning because my phone was off the night before, I was supposed to be there at 9.

2. We (meaning me and my business co-position holder Sarah) did not get lunch during our surprise meeting for the first time. I essentially worked my ass off for 6 hours while running on a small bowl of frosted flakes I hastily downed this morning after getting the text.

3. I accidentally brought home a set of keys which I shouldn't have because neither me nor my teacher remembered the detail of returning the set until after I got home an hour later. As it turned out, one of the keys apparently is a master key to all the locks both inside and out in the entire school; so, I got a pleasant surprise 2 mile round trip run to school in prime time summer heat.

4. I friended Ben on facebook today, he accepted, but like what happens every time for me, he's straight. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go read two post back titled "A Week of Sun, Sea, Sand, and Ben". Now, this would be all fine and normal except for the fact that I sorta hit on him during my little holiday, and I don't know how subtle I was or if he picked up on it in any way or form. Needless to say, I feel really awkward and also really bad for any discomfort I might of caused him during his holiday.

Life's a mess right now, and school starts in less than two weeks.

1 comment:

  1. ahh poor kid, things will get better, you'll see. As for the Ben fellow, I think he would have let you know as soon as possible that you toeing a line on his nerves if you were so no worries k?
