-Up at 10-Breakfast, the dining hall actually had halfway decent food!?
-Did some microeconomics homework
-Bought a corkscrew on Amazon
-Went to the gym for an hour, set a new record 15 minute piece pace for myself - 2:02.1/500m.
-Production Staff meeting for the theatre production I'm doing publicity for, boring as ever
-Ordered dinner in with my friend Jacki, we watch The Princess and the Frog on Netflix while we eat
-Work until 11PM, I finish German and start laying the groundwork for my Philosophy paper
-Watch SNL with friends at another dorm
-Guy whose been trying to meet up me texts me, my roommate is out
-We mess around for a while and then he leaves
-I realize I have two massive hickies
-I text all my close female friends to find concealer, I have so many meetings tomorrow
-My friend Jacki teases me nonstop about this and then tells me she doesn't have any concealer
-My friend Eun texts back saying she does have some
-Get grilled about who it was, I refuse to answer
-Work on Philosophy paper some more
-Now I'm in bed.
Yeah, essentially this past week has been my hell week but now I'm finally free (sorta) but this upcoming week also looks to be pretty bad. Welcome back to school eh?
Oh, and belated hooray for the end of DADT!
All the best,
Happy Thanksgiving!
2 months ago
Not enough hours in the day but you still managed to get some hickeys; good for you. As for Philosophy everything is relative, and existence would be pointless without a consciousness to recognize it. According to Stephen Hawking the Big Bang came from the sudden expansion of a Black Hole in which time didn't exist. Reconciling that with the concept of a conscious God is indeed a problem. And philosophically speaking, just how important is our tiny speck in the vastness of time and space? Especially considering that a 5 mile meteor could wipe us out like a foot stepping on an ant hill. I envy people who can stumble through life as easily as Homer Simpson lol. - Wayne :)