Monday, January 31, 2011

One More Thing I Don't Need Right Now

The heart says yes. The mind says no. Who will win?


  1. Lead with your heart, but mind each step.

  2. If the mind says no, that's who you should be listening to.

    There may be times when the mind is being too cautious, but that happens mostly in romantic movies. From what you've told us, this doesn't sound like a romantic movie scenario. It sounds like an attractive guy who isn't right for you.

  3. I take a different approach. Unless it is seriously dangerous, will get you kicked out of school or kicked into jail, go with the heart. That's what I wish I had done when I was 19.

    You will have plenty of time to go with the mind. You can and should do so later in life. But right now, enjoy the freedom you have.

  4. What ControllerOne said. bfn - Wayne :)

  5. I see it like this: when you are little, or at least most kids get burn with fire or something really hot, it hurt, so you learned to not touch it or it'll hurt again.

    the same is with this kinda pain, it will still hurting if you keep doing the same
