Hey, Well it's Thursday and another week is also through. Tomorrow is prom day and pretty much it can be expected for the entire senior class to be out along with probably half the junior class as well. A few of my friends are going this year which is cool. I plan to go to prom next year during my senior year, hopefully I'll have a date by then haha. Anyways, As teh school year is wrapping up final exams and teachers rushing to cram in everything they forgot to teach during the year into the last two weeks of school. Next Saturday is also the day of SAT II's for me, I really just want to get those over with. I'm still conflicte don some classes next year, I can't decide between Calculus AB or BC, honestly my love of math has gone way down since the year began, I used to absolutely love math, now, not so much, partially teh material, mostly the teacher, who has honestly ruined by love of the subject. Also I'm sorta considering taking Hotel management in place of finance next year. It seems like fun and more interesting than finance which will likley be filled with freshmen anyways. Well, I have until mid-June to decide.
Have I mentioned the weather lately? Well It's been raining pretty much every day for about a week and a half now, don't get me wrong, I absoluetly love rain, but I need some vitamin D y'know?Today i stayed after to get soem science honour society hours and I thought I could walk home, then a sudden freak downpour arrived and destroyed any chance of that. I really can't wait until it starts to get colder again, I'm more of an autmn/winter person.
Okay, one of the most frustrating things ever in thsi world, well at least for a gay guy are really sweet, and honestly relly cute straight guys. Yes, I'm going to rant a little, deal with it. Okay, there are two guys at my school, one of them I have a really big crush on and another who is simply so quirkily(?) cute and funny it hurts. Only problem, they're straight, or at least i'm 80% sure they are. So what to do, what to do....Well not much really, it's the unfortuanate dilema i face. In reality, I should let it go and move on, it's not going to really get anywhere in the end, but my other half keeps telling me to hang on and let things run their course, a difficult decision indeed.
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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