Thursday, April 21, 2011


Yes, I'm kinda really weird at times, and I have my quirks when it comes to things I like, dislike and occasionally get really obsessed about. I also have some things about myself that I just don't really share with others for one reason or another. Maybe it's time for y'all to learn a little more about my cooky side. Don't judge.

1. I'm more of a Southern boy on the inside than I'm willing to admit. I use "Y'all" in everyday conversation and could live off fried chicken, greens, and mashed potatoes. Plus, I find a light southern twang of an accent really attractive.

2. I will eat almost anything with hot sauce. I've doused entire breakfasts with hot sauce, put it on sanwiches and even straight onto bread. It's delicious. I do have a high spice tolerance which probably helps but what can I say, I like it hot.

3. Nerdy things excite me, like, a lot. I recently found someone who makes periodic table of elements cufflinks. and I'm seriously considering getting a set. I've also considered getting beakers to use as pencil holders and in my sophomore year of high school I made a Pi Day shirt with the first 20 digits painted in yellow on the back of a black t-shirt. Yeah, I was that cool.

Zachary Quinto: one hot ass nerd

4. If I could change one thing about me it would be either to get rid of my allergies or my lactose intolerance. Currently all the pollen in the air is making me miserable; I'm sneezing, my eyes itch like none other and my nose is stuffed, but the fact that I can't have more than a glass of milk a day sucks year 'round. I know soy and other random kinds of milk exist but it's not the same, no matter how much you can try and convince me. Lactose free milk also just tastes off to me, so no.

5. For the longest time a few years ago I thought Tory Belleci from the Mythbusters was pretty hot; come to think of it, I still do.

Tory Belleci, also a hot (science-y) nerd

6. I will take any excuse to dress up. Why else did I go to the IRC formal? Well, maybe not only to dress up, but it did play a role. Suits look good on guys and sometimes it's just fun to wear a suit just to mak eyourself feel good. Nothing wrong with that.

7. I secretly want to own a truck one day. A V8 and four wheel drive are a must.

8. If I learned one thing from modeling in the Spring Fashion show, it would be that looking "moderately displeased" has a very wide and rather hilarious range of intepretations.

9. I get easily annoyed if others overlook details and have to scramble last second to fix something, same goes with last minute changes of plans.

10. I fully intend to buy a 1993-1994 Volvo 940 when I have the money (hopefully by the end of summer?). I have no idea why I love those old brick shaped cars, let alone something so associated with early 90's suburban soccer mom culture. Neverthless, I think they're charming and attractive in an unexplainable way. Plus, they're durable as hell, reliable, and easy to work on which I intend to take advantage on and learn more about how engines work and maintaining one.

Boxy, but good

So yeah, some little known facts about me. I have plenty more things that are kind of out there but I'll save those for another day. Easter break has finally started and I leave for New York tomorrow so I hope to put on some pictures as soon as I can. Enjoy your week guys.

All the best,



  1. I had bad hayfever in my thirties for about a decade then it went away; the immune system is a complicated thing. I mostly have milk on my breakfast cereal and coffee, but don't drink it by the glass. And I thought you Asian type guys like those 'fast and furious' tuner cars! I have always had a manual transmission in my cars so I have complete control over the motor; an automatic is not 'driving' to me. Old cars are money pits so watch out; you can put an old car up on the hoist and easily find two or three thousand dollars worth of repairs. I have always hated wearing a suit since the Sunday School days lol. bfn - Wayne ;)

  2. I love nerds. But only the hot Hollywood kind which is basically a jock with glasses.
