Another installment of the "An Open Letter" series...
You really need to get a grip on the world around you. I don't think you realize this right now but the path you're on isn't going to lead you to anything good. First is your obsession to Jackass X who I've written about on this blog before; I don't know if it's because you're craving some power figure to cling on to or just because you're trying to use him to your own advantage, but you need to realize that he isn't on your side. He makes fun of you blatantly to your face but you're so blinded by your love and faith in this guy that you don't even realize it. He's a jerk, and you're starting to show his influence on you. You're lying, exaggerating to near hyperbolic levels and being the guy that no one likes, the same guy you were making fun of just a few months ago. Your obsession with trying to gain status is also approaching unbearable levels. Stop trying to get chummy with people just because you got the idea that they will nominate you for some award later on. What happened to you? You used to be such a nice, calm, collected guy. I liked you as a friend because we were similar for the most part, but now, I don't even know what to think. You're becoming uncomfortably desperate, and it shows.
You need to end this obsession with trying to get others to like you. I don't know if it's because you've been around Jackass X too much or because of some other weird issue you've been dealing with lately. We're all your friends, and we don't want to lose you over stupid reasons. Please, just chill out. I don't know who you think is watching you every minute of every day that you're trying to impress but I can guarantee that the reward is not nearly worth the work you're putting into keeping up this act.
Just talk to us, we're your friends and we'll listen no matter what.
Happy Thanksgiving!
1 month ago
I remember lots of people like Jackass X; they eventually get their comeuppance. Hope your friend will realize this. - Wayne :)