Sunday, May 15, 2011

Freshman No More

I decide to swim in the fountain after my final accounting exam and slip and nearly smash my head open on solid granite due to a failed running-start attempt. Oh exam gods, I'll be sure to temper my excitement next time.

Move out went well, lots of hugging, lots of wishing well, and after getting to Maryland and my dad's house, lots of Chinese food. Oh how I have missed those flavours.

Sorry for the shortness of this post but I'm busy and wanted to quickly post an update. I promise I'll be doing a reflection in the near future.

I don't surf....

Goodbye freshman year, hello summer 2011.

All the best,



  1. It is nice to finish the university at this time of year; I remember how badly it sucked while in high school studying for exams in the beautiful weather of June. I wonder if you will see many of the friends you made again in the fall. bfn - Wayne :)

  2. Sophomore year awaits, which will give you the advantage that you've got a year's worth of experience.

    Enjoy the summer.

  3. congratulations and good luck for the second round
