Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Employ Me!

Working in Maryland part-time now, looking for a second job in Virginia to also work part-time in on top of the one in MD.

Applying for jobs all day, err'day.

What has my life come to?


  1. Good luck in the search — not only finding a job, but in finding one that is worthwhile and that you can enjoy. There are two ways of looking at jobs: they bring you money; they accomplish something worthwhile. The former is a powerful reason for getting a job. The latter is a powerful reason for doing a job. And if it is something you can enjoy, that's definitely a plus — makes it a lot easier to stick with it.

  2. We are actually quite pampered these days when it comes to work. We forget relativity so quickly; a century ago most work was hard with long hours 8-12hrs a day six days a week, and a third of your pay was needed just for food. No unions or laws for fair wages or employment practices. Agriculture was hard work cos they didn't have the machines we have today. I look at some very old black-and-white films of those days and think of how much tougher life was.
    -I was watching '1000 ways to die' on tv (great show) and it was about a young gamer who went on a 50hr gaming spree and died when he suddenly stood up; blood clots formed in his legs from sitting so long and traveled to his lungs. I think this guy deserved to die; our civilization is getting soft. We cry to our therapists when our feelings get hurt and of course your life is destroyed if someone groped your crotch lol.
    -So nice to see a young guy who wants to juggle two jobs and pay his way. bfn - Wayne :)
