It's soo effing HOT here. It was 102 degrees yesterday and slightly higher today wtff.
I've mentioned back in the past that I'm not a fan of long distance relationships or E-relationships. Constant separation might not be an issue in the short term but soon things will not work out in my mind. With this mindset I present my current situation, and the introduction of a new character into the soap opera that is my life, let's call him Peter.
A little background on Peter, he was Dutch's date to Prom. A rising senior, he lives in central Virginia and he and Dutch met at Governor's school for Latin. He rows, is quite tall and is more of a flamboyant gay than I am- he wore a rainbow bow tie and cummerbund to prom, yeah.
At prom, I never really talked to Peter too much, he's a funny guy a good way. So after prom, he left for home and that was that...or so I thought.
Saturday evening via text:
Dutch: Do you remember Peter? he thinks you're cute and was asking about you today
Me: Really? like what??
Dutch: he made sure you came into conversation and wanted to know how you were doing.
Me: haha, well tell him I'm flattered
Dutch: you should talk to him, you'd be good friends ;D
Me: alright, I will, he does know we're just gonna be friends right?
Dutch: I'd imagine so
Since then I've messaged him and he messaged back, nothing much, just smalltalk. Dutch texted me back again saying Peter told her I texted him (okay...that's kinda weird) and how she's so excited we're talking. I think Dutch is a little too excited about this whole thing, way more than me at least lol. I really hope peter isn't viewing this as anything beyond a friendship, first he's still in high school hundreds of miles away and I haven't even seen him in over a month. We'll see how this pans out.
On the college preparations front, I need to get to work on pre registering for classes, I'm leaving on holiday next Friday so I need to sign up for classes by then. I really need my AP scores though since I can place out of a few classes possibly but I don't know still!! I also need to take a french placement exam to see what french I should enroll in and given I haven't spoken a word of french in almost a month, this might not bode well lol, I'm probably going to take it tomorrow after seeing Eclipse with by friend M. Mmmmmm, Taylor Lautner.
Anyways, this is getting kind of long so I'll wrap this up soon.
So I'm considering getting a nipple piercing on my 18th birthday. I've been pondering this for a while now and it's a tempting proposition. I'm not intense enough to get a tattoo and I don't want an ear piercing (or nose or lip or anywhere else for that matter). I mean, it's easy to hide when needed and it's relatively subtle. Plus, if I ever have buyers remorse I can remove it and it'll close up. Plus, I think it's kinda hot lol. Maybe my opinion will change by September but hey, that'll be quite a Happy Birthday to Me kind of gift.
Sorry for this being a rather long post so if you've made it this far, congrats and thanks.
All the best,
Happy Thanksgiving!
2 months ago
don't get a piercing!