Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Vitruvian Man

Weird stuff today. So Journalism is often an hour and a half split between actual working and chatting/gossip and weird things can come up in conversation, but today a new record was set in bizarreness and with Matt of all people. What's weird is, despite having his quirks, he is usually one of the most grounded of my friends so this whole episode is kind of out of his nature.

To be honest, I still don't know what to make of the very brief conversation I had with him today so I kinda want your guy's help in interpreting what he might be saying.

*me, working at the computer*

Matt: *taps me on shoulder*, Hey, JP

Me: Hey

Matt: *holds photo of Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man in front of me* What would you say if I told you this is what I want?

Me: Umm, I don't know, what are you trying to say?

Matt: *flustered* Ummm, I mean, like... *blumbers off about his article in the sports section eventually linking it to the picture of one of my school's top swimmers whose photo is on his spread*
Me: Um, I'm still lost so what does this have to do with Da Vinci's drawing?

Matt: Well, it's to show Erin (fellow B-manager) what I mean about the photo of Jack (swimmer in his spread) and how he's posed.

Me: Um, okay... (He never had even talked to Erin today prior to this so I have idea where she came into this)

Matt: um, so yeah...*leaves, end convo*

Later when I tried to talk about to him about that weird conversation with him, he insisted in the Erin-story and changes or avoids the subject soon after.

So I'm really confused as to what happened in that one minute conversation of ours. Was he trying to pass along some message? How often does someone randomly hold a picture of a naked man in front of you and say "what would you say if I told you this is what I want?" Maybe it's just me but was he trying to imply something?
I hate being confused

1 comment:

  1. Could your colleague have been revealing that he is attracted to nude males?
    Alternatively, he could have been expressing his disappointment at having a body with congenital problems -- aching joints from reckless childhood sports and adventures.
    A good journalist should probe, ask leading questions and explore the colleague's mind.
    Ponderingly, say: "If a Jewish reporter can cover Christmas celebrations, can't a straight reporter fairly cover gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender events, or should I engage in sexual adventuring to make myself a better reporter?"
