Hey y'all. Haven't been writing much but I'm alive and well, just been busy and all. Finals time is rolling around here and I'll be home in the US in less than three weeks. The past two weeks have been pretty cool. It's getting really cold but I went on my first gay bar crawl with a friend in Copenhagen last weekend among other things, but I'll cover those another day.
In the mean time, here's something kinda geeky I found via Buzzfeed. It's a video showing what one day of public transit looks like in Washington DC though you can find many other cities on the Youtube channel of that user. It's pretty cool to look at and won't eat up too much of your time if you're looking for something to do.
Washington D.C.
And here is New York and Vancouver for comparison
New York, NY
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Anyways, hope things are going well.
Vi Ses,
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
I wasted some good minutes watching all those transit videos.