Do you know that horrible feeling when you can just sense something falling apart before your very eyes? Like you're watching an old movie and everything is happening dramatically in slow motion but you already know what the outcome is? It's a terrible feeling which I'm all too familiar with and is happening all over again now.
We were so close just a week ago but now I can see how we're drifting apart. I tried to make an effort to keep things together, but now I realize that it doesn't really work when it's only one of us who is actually trying. If things aren't working out then that's fine. I just wish you had the balls to be frank with me and tell it to my face rather than concoct hollow, meaningless stories you think will hold me off and kick me along like a can down the road. As I said, it's a story which I have heard all too often, and I already know unfortunately how the story ends. It just sucks to actually be part of the story this time.
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
That's too bad. Sorry to hear it.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was young I used to wonder why some old people were recluses. Psychologists give the impression that without an intimate relationship a person is doomed to unhappiness and failure; what bullshit. No one is perfect and I figure we are lucky if we can find a friend or lover with whom we are 80% compatible; I am willing to forgive the other 20%. I'd rather be single and have my freedom than be stuck with someone who makes me miserable and have no freedom; most situations in life are easier to get into than out of. Friends/lovers come and go, and sometimes people get off the manic/depressive roller-coaster cos they have had enough. Too many forces beyond our control? - Wayne