Jeez, I haven't posted since Wednesday! Well, the week has come and past and I guess it's time for some updates. First, Jake's back in school, he seems okay and in good spirits and I'm glad he's back, I was really worried for a little while. Also, my uncle is better, he went to the doctor and he got checked out, he was told to take it easy for a while and he may need to go back in a little while. But all in all, everything which preoccupied my mind last week seem to have been remedied in some form.
With the first week of crew winter conditioning finished, Friday saw the first pasta party of the season. Pretty much, a family donates their house to about 40-50 teenagers, parents and coaches we all go and gorge ourselves on pasta and mess around for two or so hours. We attempted to play a few rounds of ice breakers which turned out to be a giant game of Telephone. Many of the novices this year are really loud and obnoxious which is kinda annoying, but they're freshman for the most part so what can you do? Probably the biggest event of the night though was the little battle over the menu changes. Because one of the captains wanted to make the menu healthier, many things, including Alfredo sauce for the pasta, were done away with. Well, some of the veteran members weren't too happy about this so there was a good-spirited battle between the pro and anti Alfredo clans. Of course, there were us apathetic folk stuck in the middle but it was amazing to hear some of the arguments made ("Alfredo sauce is made of happiness, are you going to deny me the only reason I live!?"). Overall, a fun night.
Today I went to go see New Moon with eight of my friends and it was pretty good. Yes, Taylor Lautner was as gorgeous as ever, and compared to the previous movie, Twilight, it wasn't nearly as much of a train wreck. The bigger budget probably helped as did casting some surprising people including Dakota Fanning as Jane. Robert Pattinson looked better in this movie (more well groomed) but I am steadfast in saying that Lautner and his buff-ness stole the show. Something that surprised me though wa sthe fact that it broke world records for the biggest opening day gross ever. Apparently it made over $72M which easily beat the previous record which was in the low 60s. I guess the fan base was larger than I previously had guessed.
This upcoming week is only three days long because of the Thanksgiving holiday so I'm actually looking forward to it. Thanksgiving is probably one of my favorite holidays because I get to see so many members of my family and hang out with my cousins which I rarely get to do.
Also, I want to share a website, in case you haven't seen this yet, go visit What it does is give you the previous searches results for whatever you put in. Essentially, whatever you search, the next person who searches will get your results. I've gotten some pretty funny results so far like "is it possible to reverse-juice an orange?" and "can fish sneeze?". I suggest you go check it out yourself, hopefully you'll get a nice laugh out of it.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
All the best,
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
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