These past few days have been pretty hectic around the house. It seems the random relatives train keeps coming in because this week, we have my mom's cousin and family coming in from China, they're some pretty nice people, and apparently the husband has a semi-powerful government position back at home, hmmmmm. Well, I've sorta gone into a lazy spell recently, reading and book work seems to have taken a back seat, and I know I'm going to regret saying this, but I still have two months to finish my work. I'm currently reading 1984 by George Orwell, pretty much a dark tale of a bleak, all overseeing government and a world constantly at war envisioned to take place in the year 1984, but actually written in the late 1940s I believe.
In other news, I had a lunch get together with some of my friends today, well, yesterday where I finally made the promised Chinese food lunch which my friend Lauren has been reminding me about for a few months now, we invited some of our other crew friends to join us for lunch, along with Lauren's dog, Sia, a 13 year old Egyptian Hound Dog you would likely mistake for a deer if you didn't pay close enough attention. Afterwards I ended up playing Mario Olympics with Lauren in her basement which was fun, I learned that the hammertoss is truly my event haha. Well, finally, tomorrow I have a lunch outing with my friend Maria, she needs to buy a costume apparently and then we are heading out for lunch somewhere so we'll see how tomorrow works out.
O funny story, today my mom sweet-talked 2 security guards and a tour guide into letting in 5 technically unauthorized people into the US mint here in D.C., how it worked? I dunno, but seriously, that is straight up fantastic.
Happy Thanksgiving!
2 months ago
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