So summer has bene in full swing for just over one full week now and the drama has alreayd begun. I am naturally a helpful person but this past week i've come to realize i've become essentially the therpist for my circle of friends. So far this year i've dealt with so many subjects from self-loathing to pressure to have sex which makes me wonder if I should go into psychology in university..hmmmmm...
In other news, I have a little quip to make, girls always say "o why are all the hot guys gay?", well, I have to disagree, since while there are a lot of hot gay guys out there, so far ever guy I have liked and currently like have all been straight, or at least I'm 90% sure they are straight. Then again maybe it could be because i am not all the way out yet, 10 of my friends know but i'm not officially out of the closet at my school. Even worse though, is that you become friends with them which is so fantastic but you know that it would never go beyond this just-friends stage. ugh. Another problem is that at my school all the gay guys I know don't appeal to me in the least. Maybe it's just me, but I don't go for the flambouyant type which most of the gay guys at my school, and what I mean is tight pants and rather ridiculous shirts, but maybe that's just my school. My friend and I just went out ot lunch a few days ago at thsi local Indian place and we were dicussing this, as for now, my only hope right now is that the guys who I realy do like 1. are in the closet or 2. have some bi tendancies.
Sorry if I sounded really whiny in this post, it's just kinda bothering me lately, but this week looks promising, I have a movie "date" with my friend tomorrow, a possible birthday on Friday and a pool party on the 4th of July so this might turn out to be a fabulous week after all.
Happy Thanksgiving!
2 months ago