Saturday, June 26, 2010

I'm Delicious All Over

-don't ask.-

Anyways, I learned five things as a result of my first camping trip yesterday.

1. Bug spray not only keeps bugs away, it makes an excellent flame booster when building a fire.

2. Bring a pillow...or two, a rolled up pair of running pants will not effectively provide any comfort whatsoever.

3. Metal coat hangers are a bit too flimsy to hold a hot dog over a fire, they're excellent for marshmallows however.

4. Don't flirt with the group of hot, young campground managers, it's awkward.

5. If you're going to be the only guy in a tent with four girls, be prepared to talk about past/present crushes, your favorite names, slutty girls from school, pregnant slutty girls from school and the inevitable bringing up of once a month lady-functions (ew.)

I'm convinced Abercrombie guys are stuck in a never ending camping trip

So camping was fun; I made it out alive, and learned I'm an ace when it comes to filling up my car's trunk up to the brim. Sure, it was hot, muggy, dirty and bug infested but hey, who cares, you're effing camping.

Anyways, update on the "Close Match" saga, well he didn't respond to my message in the end. Usually he responds within a day but given he has broken his otherwise perfect on-time performance, I'll take it as "Hey, no, I can't share a room with a queer, and no, I'm not sorry"

Dude, I asked you a fair question, and rather than just leaving a conversation like that, man up and have the balls to actually say it to my face, that way I can at leave still have some tiny fleck on respect for you rather than the absolute lack of any I have right now.

I'll give him one more day, and if he still can't muster a response by then, screw him.

All the best,

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