Thursday, June 3, 2010

Five Parts Gin, One Part Vermouth...

Friday nights in the city see many an office secretary, lawyer, sales person and even teacher go out on the town for a drink. Things start out civil, and by 11 or so, most have gone home to bed for a well deserved day of not-work the morning after. Stick around a little longer however and you see quite an amazing sight.

With the moon high and the bars finally closing, the pressed and polished descend upon the streets once again, but this time a little less inhibited than before.

There's your eighth grade history teacher laughing up a storm at another unfunny joke

Over there's the library assistant twirling down the streets as if she were in some Disney movie remake.

And inevitably, around the corner is the poor pencil-pusher whose raring to pick a fight with the next person to walk by and have the misfortune of making eye contact with him.

With college around the corner and the inevitable parties soon to follow, I've come to wonder- what kind of hidden personality will come up as the drinks go down? I don't really drink. If anything, I've had a few cups of champagne over the holidays. Hard liquor is still a relative mystery to me, and beer, well let's just say it's an acquired taste, and at the moment at least, something I don't particularly subscribe to.

When the time comes however and the little devil on my shoulder defeats my common sense, I want to know what kind of person I will end up being.

Will I be the happy drunk that suddenly is best friends with the random stranger in the corner?

Or will I be the angry drunk, pissing and moaning about how there's one too many stripes on your favorite sweater and making sure the whole world knows about it?

Maybe I'll end up being the crazy drunk that ends up climbing on random pieces of furniture in my underwear claiming to conquer new lands for the British Empire.

I could just end up being the sleepy drunk that just collapses on the sofa and sleeps until the next afternoon.

Then again, I could end up being like some undiscovered specie, with behaviour so radical that men in white lab coats will be taking notes on my every move.

Well, time will tell how I will turn out, but if you see me stumbling around the streets of D.C. late at night one day, leave a comment telling me what type of drunk I am, 'cause I'll probably not remember the morning after.


1 comment:

  1. You'll probably go through all those stages before settling on a predominantly drunken state, since people kind of (me) go from one state to the other depending on the drink, the people, and the situation.

    Relevant story though: I knew some people who graduated 3 years before me, who became elementary school teachers. They hosted the party, and we're way drunker than me, lol. We were actually overlooking DC so I'll surely see you then, the next time I'm around those parts.
